local black businesses
in Tucson with one tap.
About Blax Friday
This project was created to take away emphasis from using “Black” as a discount code via Black Friday. In turn, we created BLAX Friday where people shop at Black-Owned Businesses. Not for a discount on Friday – but just because.
This project has been a year long experience for Roux Events, with a huge shout-out to the creator of BLAX, Khailill Knight-Papaioannou and HR Professional, Michaela Baker; whose Facebook posts started a call with #BlackLives. for getting to know local Black business owners, and the importance of representation and financial support.
Many Black-owned businesses are lumped into categories labeled “PoCs” or “Minority” and a higher population of “PoCs” in Tucson, they are often overlooked, and it’s rare to see Black-owned businesses receive recognition or granted access to financial assistance. This is what the movement is about #BlackLives. Support for Black-owned businesses.
See what's near you
The Blax Friday map has every business located near you, tells you the distance and gives you all information to tap and get directions.

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Blax Friday app makes it easy to search by categories, keywords and sort by distance! Plus with Blax Friday smart search engine you can always find what your looking for and never have to refresh because the information is constantly updated.

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Where ever you are, access the Blax Friday App on any and all your devices